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    What to bring for baby in your hospital Bag

    Babygrow Clothing Basics stock most of the essentials you will need to pack for your baby in the all important 'Hospital Bag'

    Even if you are a last-minute packer, your hospital bag is a task that should be done in the second trimester. After all, you never know when you might need it!

    Your bag should be packed by 36 weeks at the very latest, earlier if possible. If you’re having twins or triplets then it should be by week 30.

    Try to restrict the size of your luggage and bring a separate bag for the labour ward. It is a good idea to pack your newborns clothes into sealed bags that are also labeled 'Outfit 1', 'Outfit 2' etc... This makes everything easier to find when your little one arrives.

    If you have forgotten something, Your partner and other family members will be visiting you and they can always bring in anything else.

    Here you will find beautiful pure fabric & organic basics. Gorgeous Newborn Unisex outfits that I recommend packing for your little one. 
    The Hospital Bag
    Remember: All baby clothes should be pre-washed before packing your hospital Bag.
    New baby clothes for hospital bag
    For Baby
    Long Sleeved Babygrows x 4 (With integrated scratch mitts if possible)
    Vests x 6
    Baby Hat x 2
    Baby Bibs
    Muslin Squares/Swaddles
     Baby Blanket 
    Baby Towel
    Cardigan x 1
    Pack of nappies
    Cotton wool balls/pack
    Car Seat - to be brought in on the day you are going home